Tuesday, February 11, 2014

So Far, So Good

I'll be short and sweet today...

Our ultrasound today showed that everything looks normal. Woo hoo!

We will go back next week for more follow up, a regular prenatal appointment, and the dreaded glucose test. We are also trying to schedule an echocardiogram for the babies on the same day. Based on how long our first blood transfusion "lasted," our doctor told us she thinks there is a good chance they will want to do a transfusion again next week. Our appointment is early in the morning in hopes that, if we do need a transfusion, we can do it the same day. Ideally, we will have our ultrasound right away in the morning, have the echocardiogram while we wait for all the blood bank stuff to come together, and then have the transfusion. Of course, we are just hoping and praying everything will still be normal and we won't need the transfusion. Every time they have to enter the amniotic sacs for a procedure, it makes my risk for preterm labor greater.

Our doctor was at a conference last week, and she told us she had talked to a doctor from the Netherlands who took care of a patient very similar to me (us). Her patient required eight (!!) blood transfusions throughout her pregnancy, but she ultimately delivered two healthy babies. It was so great to hear that there are cases like ours that turn out well!

Thank you so much for praying and for all your support!
The VPs

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